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Teacher Selected as University of Chicago Outstanding Educator

By June 1, 2021August 26th, 2022No Comments
While no good teacher enters their profession to receive praise, knowing the work you do every day is appreciated can be a very rewarding and validating experience. For Associate Principal for Curriculum and Learning Technology Paul Dirschl, this moment came when the University of Chicago (UChicago) informed him that he had been selected as a University of Chicago Outstanding Educator!
According to UChicago, a person who receives this award, “thinks carefully about their instruction. They share an infectious love for learning. They care about their students, both inside and outside the classroom. Outstanding educators go beyond everyday teaching and leave an impression that is carried over a lifetime.”
UChicago gives newly admitted students the opportunity to recognize the educators who have made a difference in their lives. And every year the incoming class responds with stories that are truly inspiring.
Ms. Judith Hernandez nominated Mr. Dirschl for this award as she prepares to attend the University of Chicago this fall on a Quest Bridge full-ride scholarship.
De La Salle Institute prides itself on the close-knit relationships between faculty and the charges they lead every day. Stories like this show the school is on track to make every student feel known and valued.

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