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January 2021 Meteor of the Month – Kenny C.

By February 23, 2021August 26th, 2022No Comments
Kenny Clayton is the Meteor of the Month (January 2021). Congratulations.

He has a 4.6 GPA, interned at the DLS Tech Center, takes independent math classes through Northwestern University, is a 3-year member of the football and wrestling teams, involved in City of De, and a member of the book club.

He is a public servant. Outside school hours he has been part of the Beat the Streets Chicago as a volunteer mentoring younger kids to help them develop ‘discipline, courage, and honesty’ through wrestling and he serves as the Service Chair for his teen group of the Chicago Chapter of the Jack & Jill Club of America. He volunteers at several organizations focused on food security, including Just Roots which grows food for St. James Church food pantry, the Bryn Mawr Food Pantry, and at My Brothers Kitchen serving up warm meals to the North Lawndale Community.

“He is a great student-athlete and he exhibits what it means to be a De La Salle Meteor,” says Mr. Davidson.

“He is a compassionate person who truly cares about the welfare of others,” says Mr. Dowling.

Ms. Madison-Gabler says “he is an exceptional student academically and in terms of his character, he is honest and hardworking.”

#meteorsunited #dlschicago

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