7 February 2019
One of the best qualities of the young women and men who attend De La Salle is their resiliency.
So would the cold, snow and Polar Vortex that blasted Chicago last week keep the Meteors from continuing to learn and completing their assignments in a timely fashion?
In a word, no.
Electronic – or ‘E’ – days at De La Salle allow our students to continue the learning process outside of the classroom when school is closed. All students are responsible to check Schoology (dls.schoology.com) by 9 am on ‘E-days’ for all of their classes.
Teachers use their Schoology class page to post assignments and make themselves available via email to assist students as needed.
During this most recent timeframe that saw De La Salle closed for two days as a result of the difficult winter weather, members of the faculty had avenues such as podcasts, online exams and videos for their usage in providing electronic assignments that were able to keep the Meteors engaged and learning at home instead of in the classroom.
In fact, students in Rolando Danzine’s Social Justice class were given a test to take on a chapter involving justice and virtues.
The format of the exam included matching, true or false, fill in the blank and short essay questions with the duration of the exam 45 minutes to one hour. According to Danzine, the format helped the students review and master the material discussed in class by utilizing their notes and reviewing relevant issues. Additionally, it helped the Meteors master and improve their use of Schoology.
“I think it’s outstanding and advantageous that De La Salle is able to offer something as cutting-edge as ‘E-days,’” De La Salle principal Dr. Diane Brown said. “And even though our students are seated at the kitchen table at home instead of at a desk in one of our classrooms, they still are receiving the proper and necessary instruction to continue developing into the excellent students we want them to be.
“I thank all of the faculty and the young women and men who attend our school for making the two ‘E-days’ last week run so smoothly and so successfully. As is typically the case, the Meteors will do whatever is necessary to complete the task in an effective and proficient manner.
“Great job, Meteors!”