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Day 3 of the Founders Week Contests

By May 13, 2020August 26th, 2022No Comments

13 May 2020

Want to win a contest while also celebrating your love of De La Salle?

It’s as easy as one, two, three.

Today, we’d like to ask everyone who is an alumnus of our school, ‘What Are Three Important Things You Learned at De La Salle?’

This is a campaign that we hope reminds all our graduates about the importance of their ‘D’ education and the impact their alma mater has had on their lives.

Create a video of about one minute or less and send to Iris Gist Cochran (, Mike Walsh (, Barbara Herring ( or Carl Willingham ’99 ( and let us know.

The Meteor with the most creative video will be awarded a gift card.

Thank you very much! Go Meteors!

De La Salle Institute’s Giving Day is your chance to make a difference for our Meteors!


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