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Biology Students Participate in Zoom Conference

By March 24, 2020August 26th, 2022No Comments

21 March 2020

On a normal school day at De La Salle, science instructor Rhonda Harris-Scott would lead the Meteors through four classes of Modern Biology and one class of Genetics/Human Anatomy.

While the young women and men of the Institute are now learning through online resources, Harris-Scott’s Modern Biology students recently participated in a Zoom conference that went very well.

“The students took notes, asked questions, ate snacks and we laughed, too,” Harris-Scott said. “All the students who were on the conference participated.”

The sophomore Biology students joined Harris-Scott in discussing cell cycle regulation and cancer. They also discussed the loss of checkpoint control and problems with kinases in the unregulated growth of cancer cell proliferation.

“The students participated in the question-and-answer portion of the discussion and seemed enthusiastic about this new experience,” Harris-Scott said.

Well done, Meteors!


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