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Anthony Slawson ’14 Teaches His AP Politics Class about PACs

By April 16, 2020August 26th, 2022No Comments

16 April 2020

De La Salle faculty member Anthony Slawson ’14, who teaches religion, Advanced Placement (AP) American Politics and World History at his alma mater, recently took a novel approach to teaching his students in his AP Politics class that on a normal school day would meet during sixth period in Room 112.

A YouTube video.

And here’s the link:

The students in Slawson’s AP Politics class were asked to watch the video lesson on PACs (political action committees) and SuperPACs as part of our ongoing unit regarding the political process and campaign financing.

The video itself was around 20 minutes long and then the students followed up their viewing with a short reflection asking them “What are the pros and cons of PACs/SuperPACs?”

“Throughout the year, as a class, we’ve been keeping up with the Democratic Primary and the campaigns involved with each candidate,” Slawson said. “It’s beneficial for the students to understand where these candidates are getting the money to fund their campaigns, since campaigns cost a lot of money to run.

“This lesson on the role of political action committees gives the students an idea of where the legal lines are regarding how candidates receive money and how much they can/should receive.”

From Slawson’s standpoint, the YouTube lesson on PACs was very successful.

“The video aspect of this lesson is really great for the students as they are able to get a similar experience in learning something new here as they would if we were physically in class together,” Slawson said. “It is a good way of introducing new ideas and concepts to them and having them reflect and analyze what they just learned so we are all on the same page about the topic.”

Excellent job, Mr. Slawson and the Meteors! Everyone at De La Salle is very proud of you!


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