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Meteors Attend Illinois Fatherhood Initiative Dinner

By November 18, 2022December 2nd, 2022No Comments

Mr. Dowling and Justin Harrison ’24 attended IFI Awards Dinner

On Tuesday, November 15th, Mr. Dowling and Justin Harrison ’24 attended the Illinois Fatherhood Initiative Awards Dinner at the Union League Club. Back in August, Justin was a recipient of the Fatherhood Initiative Essay Contest. During the dinner Wednesday night, Mr. Dowling and Justin got a chance to meet Honorary Father of the Year, Marc Brooks ’86, and Art Norman of NBC Chicago.


Justin and Marc Brooks got a chance to talk about Justin’s future and his hopes to attend Howard University. Mr. Brooks was extremely gracious with his time and exchanged contact information with Justin to connect him with his sister, who has contacts at Howard University. We also would like to thank Mrs. Carrie Contreras who has brought IFI and De La Salle together to include students in the IFI Essay Contest.

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