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Athletic NewsSchool Newsspotlight

Coach’s Corner

By January 6, 2023No Comments

Get to know Head Football Coach, Marty Quinn

De La Salle’s Coach’s Corner is our newest blog post for you to get to know our Head and Assistant Coaches. Our Coach’s sit down to answer a few questions about themselves, their staffs, and instituting the Lasallian Values within their programs.

What brought you to De La Salle?

  • The ability to be closer to my family and being able to be coaching in the CCL.

What are 1 of 2 of your strengths that would stand out to a prospective family?

  • I would say that a strength of mine is that I coached at the collegiate level. I can bring that style of play and practice here to De La Salle, which I believe helps these young men for their future.

How did you bring together your coaching staff and what strengths do they bring?

  • I’ve had past relationships with some of my coaches, and they have been with me at other stops, while others were brought in by interviews. With our staff, we have many years of football experience, ranging from the professional level to grade school level.

How do you see the Lasallian Values (Faith, Service, Community, Social Justice) brought out in your team?

  • I see it by our actions daily, from how our kids care about one another. We also end each practice with prayer and have team chapel before all games.

Not just athletically, but how are you building these young men and women?

  • Mentally we start each day with team meeting/film. This allows our student-athletes to focus on new plays/schemes that will be implemented that day. Emotionally, we build them up to be the best version of themselves, and spiritually, we pray together every day.

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