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Tolton Center Tolton Center

Tolton Center

Tolton Center A Program of De La Salle Institute Tolton Center Staff Please reach out to learn more or to get involved. Megan Pawlak Bodett Director WHAT WE OFFER Adult ESL Classes While children are in school, parents participate in virtual ESL classes. Instructors post assignments to Google Classroom at the start of each week for students to complete when they have time. Students participate in a weekly class session over Zoom that include no more than 5 people to encourage conversation and maximize learning. Virtual classes allow students to participate when they would not be able to otherwise. In Fiscal Year 2022, more students than ever before reported that participation in Tolton’s classes led to real income opportunities as they were promoted and landed new jobs with better pay and benefits. Family Literacy Services The project also supports parents in their role as their children's primary teachers. Tolton Center fosters the use of public library resources, creates fun educational activities for families to complete together and hosts workshops on topics of interest. Some of our students’ favorite activities are the annual book club, going on educational field trips together and learning from local service agencies about topics that…
David Terry
October 17, 2022
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