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Reservation Night for SGO HighSight

By January 23, 2020August 26th, 2022No Comments

This year, the reservation form to begin the 2020 Illinois Tax Credit Scholarship Application process for SGO HighSight will be available at 7:00 pm, Thursday, January 23, 2020 @ You must complete the reservation page in order to have your submission screened and to be invited to participate in the full SGO HighSight application process.

Families will be required to provide the following information to SGO HighSight:

Name of student applicant
Email address
Current school
Current grade
School you plan to attend in 2020-21
Parent /Guardian name
Parent /Guardian email
Total number of residents in the household
Total adjusted gross income of the household

If there are multiple students applying in the household, each student must submit an application.

After qualified donations are received, HighSight will begin requesting complete applications on a first-come, first-served basis. HighSight will then begin granting scholarships to eligible students allowing them to attend the private school of their choice, subject to the availability of funds.

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