We appreciate any gift that benefits the students at De La Salle Institute.
Every student benefits from the De La Salle Fund for Excellence that is dedicated to educating and preparing students for lives of faith in God, excellence, integrity, leadership, respect and service to others.
The De La Salle Fund for Excellence is our annual giving campaign (July 1 through June 30).
Thank you for your support of the Phonathon.
See 1889 Recognition Society Giving Levels at the bottom of this form.
1889 Recognition Society Giving Levels:
Saint John Baptist De La Salle Society $15,000+
Patron Saint of Teachers and Founder of the Institute of the Christian Brothers, a worldwide movement of schools providing a human and Christian education to the young, especially those who are materially poor. This Society funds a student’s education for one year at De La Salle Institute.
Reims Society $10,000-$14,999
Birthplace of our founder, also where De La Salle became Canon of the Reims Cathedral, completed his first year of theology and opened his first school.
Institute of the Brothers of the Christian Schools Society $7,500-$9,999
Established at Easter 1680 when De La Salle invited teachers into his home which marked the foundation of the Christian Brothers.
Rue Neuve Society $5,000-$7,499
Cradle of the Institute and birthplace of the Christian Brothers community
Saint Joseph Society $2,500-$4,999
Patron of the Institute of Christian Brothers
Brother Adjutor of Mary Circle $1889-$2,499
Founder of De La Salle Institute who founded the school in 1889, growing it from a two-year commercial school serving boys to a four year college preparatory school. From its origins, the school has been committed to religious, racial, socioeconomic and educational diversity.
President’s Society $1,000 +
Blue and Gold Society $500-$999
Signum Fidei Society $250-$499
The motto and official seal of the Brothers of the Christian Schools, is Latin for “Sign of Faith.”
Lourdes Hall Society $100-$249
The Christian Brothers, together with the Sisters of St. Joseph of the Third Order of St. Francis, founded a school for girls in the Bridgeport community in 2002, ultimately joining the Institute campus at 3434 S. Michigan in 2017 thereby becoming a fully co-educational institution.
Together, and by Association Society $35-$99
A common phrase used by those associated with the mission of Saint John Baptist de La Salle to continue his educational movement. The Lasallian mission is an expression of God’s love and lived out in association by an educational community. This community becomes a visible sign of the presence of God.
Faith, Zeal, Community, Solidarity Society $18.89-$34.34
De La Salle Institute, like all Lasallian schools, is guided by the life and Gospel of Jesus Christ and emphasizes the dignity of each person, fosters a love for wisdom, truth and the teaching of the Catholic church, and strives to develop authentic personal relationships through trust and mutual respect. This Society encompasses the school’s founding year and address on S. Michigan Ave.